
Memorial Day Mile Race Day Info

Packet Pick Up will be available starting at 8:30 AM on race day at Running Around Screen Printing located at 227 West Van Buren Street Columbia City, IN 46725. This is a Chip Timed race timed by Erunner Timing. Each participant will receive a unisex Tye Dye Tshirt

The start of the race will be a block west of packet pick-up located at the intersection of Van Buren Street and Walnut Street. The Race will start promptly after the National Anthem is played at 10:15 AM.

The course will be led by local police and lead vehicle to the finish. There are many cross streets along the course which will be closed during the race.

There will be water/Gatorade as well as other refreshments available at the finish.

Parking will be available throughout Columbia City but we ask that participants refrain from parking along Van Buren Street (Start line/Parade Route). Parking will also be available at the finish line at the Y located at 950 East Van Buren Street.

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